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Curriculum Development, Instruction Design, Educational Research, and More

Our Services

Professional Consulting & Educational Support Services provides seven core programs to enable further improvement of teaching methods, redesigning educational structures, and gaining knowledge for continuous improvement of academic institutions. Our firm will conduct a 60-minute consultation at no cost.

Curriculum Instruction and Design

Curriculum instruction and design encompass a wealth of expertise and content knowledge. Our services will include a comprehensive pre-assessment of current instructional delivery methods, use of appropriate practices, data analysis and interpretation, assessments, instructional implications, progress monitoring and teacher quality.

Following the pre-assessment, evaluators will conduct a review of state standards, educational policy and alignment of curricular materials.  All curriculum design efforts will be tailored to the needs of the educational setting, policy and students. The end-product will be a curriculum design with instructional methods that are research-based.

Consultation for this service is required. 

Leadership Mentoring and Professional Development

One-on-one and small-group forums of leadership development and training sessions will be provided to mentor new principals, new assistant principals, and administrators working in challenging schools.

We recognize the role of school site leaders and offer a variety of research-based strategies and techniques for effective school leadership and continuous school improvement. Consultation for this service is required. 

Grant Writing and Evaluation

Experienced grant writers and grant evaluators will lead workshops and training on the topics below. While there is a wealth of money available for various needs, we will ensure that we guide you to the proper resources for grant sources.  We have experience in writing and securing educational grants for reading excellence, comprehensive school reform, STEM and academic communication and technology.  

We design and provide a summative evaluation of your grant results to determine if the goals and purpose of the grant were served, and if the budget for your grant was utilized according to the grant’s guidelines. Consultation for this service is required. 

  • Examine Your Why: Purpose and Intent of Your Grant Idea
  • How to Win Grants That Are Right for You and Your Organization 
  • Budgeting for a Winning Grant 
  • Know the Buzz Words
  • Scheduling and Pacing Activities
  • Acquiring the Proper Evaluation for Your Grant

Educational Research

Educational research is a broad term. Based on the needs of the organization, we will provide the latest research of interest and relevance to your organizational needs. Our team will solely conduct and/or join a research team to conduct educational research. Experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods. Use of appropriate instruments and software applications for empirical data will be determined. Consultation for this service is required.

Current Research Study

 Factorial Analysis of Third Grade Retainees' Reading Performance Following Summer Reading Camp

 Other Studies

-The Social Injustice of High Stakes Testing Effects on Special Education and Third Grade Students

-Principals and Assistant Principals' Experiences With the Improvement of Teacher Quality

-The Effectiveness of Professional Development Workshops

to Improve Teachers’ Quality of Instructional Delivery

-The Emotional and Academic Experiences of Third Grade Retainees




Program evaluations will be based on the needs of the client. After thorough consultation to determine the purpose and intent of the evaluation, evaluation models will be determined

and discussed.

All program evaluations will be research-based and implemented through the use of appropriate protocols and theory aligned with the evaluation method. Consultation for this service is required. 

Professional Development for Teachers

Teachers need support in the classroom and outside the walls of the classroom. We pride ourselves in supporting teachers in doing the best for their students. Based on the needs of the school and students, our team will customize a plan for your teachers to ensure that teachers and students acquire and own their sense of efficacy for teaching and learning.

We will provide classroom visits and

in-class coaching to assist teachers

with the work of teaching.

Consultation for this service is required. 



Technology integration may be as small as using cellular devices and tablets or as large as interactive lessons via satellite and real-time state-of-the-art technology equipment. Whatever your needs are, we specialize in helping you choose the right type of technology in the classroom based on your

purpose and budget.

We evaluate software programs to ensure that your students will learn what you want them to learn from the applications. Consultation for this service is required.


Our company has experience in planning several types of retreat events for educational and religious organizations. We specialize in culture and climate; visionary leadership; change, needs analysis and more to meet the needs of your organization. Our goal is to ensure that your retreat meets the needs of your organization and continuous improvement.  Consultation for this service is required.



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Interactive Learning Space Concept

Interactive Learning Spaces are academic-theme boards designed for children to practice and master various concepts of learning. The boards are designed for parent engagement or individual/independent study for students to complete various activities. Included with each board are instructions and suggested activities. Activities are designed by a certified educator. Learning Space Boards are personal, relevant, and developmentally age-appropriate. We hope your child will find his/her board to be engaging and captivating.

Contact us to provide the specs for your board.  Send the specifications such as

 1) Name or order number

 2) grade level 

 3) color and

 4) theme 

to the following email address:


Professional Consulting & Educational Support Services award four (4) scholarships to high school graduates in May 2019.

Please click on the button below to complete the contact form and submit.

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